Use it to test networks you have permission to access or stress test and to demonstrate the power of DoS attacks. It goes without saying use this tool carefully, it’s illegal in most countries to carry out DoS or DDoS attacks, using this tool is no exception. You can see the status of the attack in the tool (number of packets sent etc). You have just mounted an attack on the target, well done – I guess. Step 4: Now click on the Big Button labelled “IMMA CHARGIN MAH LAZER”.

Step 3: Change parameters if you’re l33t, or just leave it as default for the rest of you. Step 2: Enter the URL or IP of the website in the relevant field and click on “Lock On”. It’s a very simple tool really, you just need to fill in the URL or IP address of the target system, select the attack method and port and press the big button that says “IMMA CHARGIN MAH LAZER”.
The below version actually contains the Hivemind code too, you just need to launch it with the following option: The popularity came about as it has a version by Anonymous with an IRC based control channel that allows people to join voluntary botnets and attack single targets (often led by 4chan or Anonymous themselves).Īs you can see in this version it has the IRC connection options known as LOIC Hivemind: The Low Orbin Ion Cannon performs a fairly basic TCP, UDP or HTTP DoS attack and when used by multiple individuals as it normally is, a DDoS attack.
LOIC was first developed by Praetox Technologies and later released into the public domain, the source code is now freely available and you can download LOIC below as it’s now hosted on several open source platforms. The hivemind version gives average non-technical users a way to give their bandwidth as a way of supporting a cause they agree with.

“Most likely PH 27 was dislodged from the Main Asteroid Belt between Jupiter and Mars and the gravity of the inner planets shaped its orbit into its current configuration,” Sheppard said.It’s an interesting tool in that it’s often used in what are usually classified as political cyber-terrorist attacks against large capitalistic organisations. Its orbit is also unstable, and astronomers reckon in a few million years or so it’ll either be destroyed in a collision with Mercury or Venus, burn up from getting too close to the Sun, or be kicked out of its orbit by other bodies. Since PH 27 lives so close to the Sun, and has a relatively low mass, it experiences general relativistic effects more so than any other known Solar System object, according to the folks at NOIRLab.

“Because the object was already in the Sun’s glare and moving more toward it,” Tholen said, "it was imperative that we determine the object’s orbit before it was lost behind our central star.

The race was on to confirm Sheppard and Tholen's findings before the space rock disappeared from view.